Friday, July 4, 2008

tids and tads

so it's the big hoo-ha down south today and while they're all getting drunk and giving birth to food babies the rest of the world has ground to a halt... gotta put a stop to this or else they're going to use it as scientific proof that the universe revolves around them and them alone.

speaking of national holidays... i got a call on tuesday (that was canada day if you weren't keeping track) from someone in the company that works in the states - she wanted to talk about something only slightly business related so i was cool with it. she wanted me to respond to some e-mail she'd sent on the friday (i was on vacation already) and it was urgent. i was all, "umm... can in wait until tomorow? it's kind of a holiday around here..." and she replies, "oh yeah!" like she'd just been hit in the head with a big remembering boulder "no wonder no one in canada is returning my phone calls today!"

in other fantastic news, the price of crude went up for no apparent reason overnight and i hear it's sitting at about $145 a barrel... and the corner gas station is milking that for all it's worth and has shot up the price to 137.6 cents a litre; inching closer and closer to making the $/barrel price the same as the cents/litre price. whores, the whole lot of them!

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