Tuesday, June 3, 2008

well duh! the return!

well duh! it's raining today but you know, just kind of sorta raining... like just enough to be inconvenient but not enough to call everything off...
and well duh! because it's raining here today, the price of crude oil in the middle east went up and the gas stations are more than justified in raising the price almost 3 cents to 129.7 cents per litre... just in case you didn't like getting gas in the rain enough, now we're going to shove this stick up your butt too so just bend over...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that the rain this morning caused an early morning scramble! Earlier than you'd have liked!! That'll teach you to hang your laundry out overnight.

Your think $1.29/L is bad?? Try $1.38!! Now that, that is brutal!