Wednesday, June 25, 2008

letter writing - jun 25 2008

dear pussy-twats,

i thought this subject was well covered in my last letter to you but maybe you've not yet made it to a first-grade reading level... but maybe you're just dense so allow me to reiterate...

you stink! LITERALLY.

so the weather has warmed up and you're not longer in danger of losing your nuts and berries to frostbite but apparently you are not only afraid of the cold, you are also afraid of water.

i know we've been having some wild weather around here recently but you coming to work sans your rain slicker and puddle jumpers does not give you permission to fag it up indoors.

now, i know you thought you had everyone fooled - closing the door to the print room was a devilishly good idea... that is, it would have been a good idea if no one ever had to go int he print room... sadly, some people around here have work to do (even me occasionally!) and it involves going to the print room. and when one opens the door to the room and the smoke is still hanging thick and smelly in the air, i'm afraid your little secret is out.

so, ass-hats, take it outside. it's just water - you probably won't melt.

ink blots & ice bergs,

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