Wednesday, June 11, 2008

best. birthday present. EVER.

why are these 2 hos still famous...? i mean, yeah, they were cute back in the day on full house and their marketing team was dynamite when they were younger but now are they even famous for anything but being insanely rich? and what's with people worshiping their "cool", "laid-back", "awesome" fashion sense? they look like something you might have pulled from your shower drain.
anyway, PETA has suggested that the public send the twat twins the most awesome birthday present ever:

The twins are still sporting as much fur as ever. Since they seem to be in such dire need of extra hair on their bodies, let's give them some of ours - and send a strong message while we're at it... Save that hair in a bag and mail it to the twins with a note that says, "Please, use my hair instead of the animals'. Happy Birthday."

that's super wicked! i'm actually half considering doing it!
remember when they turned 21 and no one actually cared?


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