Thursday, May 8, 2008

this day in history

so we've already established the most important thing that happened on this auspicious day (see previous post) but what else has happen on MAY 8th of years past?

1794 - french chemist antoine lavoisier is tried, convicated, and guillotined all in one day!

1877 - new york city, the first westminster kennel club dog show opens.

1886 - pharmacist john styth pemberton invents a carbonated beverage that would later be named "coca-cola"...

1906 - italian director roberto rossellini born

1920 - finnish fetish artist tom of finland born

1926 - american comedian don rickles born

1944 - english singer gary glitter born

1945 - v-e day: combat in europe ends in WWII

1983 - say hello to ME!

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