I’m not sure how I feel about the move… Traffic is a major “bummer” and eating lunch at work is lame. Luckily, the new place at least has a lunch room. But with everyone NOT tucked away in offices, we’ll be all up in each others’ business! The privacy level is going way down… And the office crowd don’t know how to work in cubicles so it’s going to be LOUD!
Speaking of not knowing about how to work in cubicles… It’s common courtesy to knock before entering someone’s office even if the door is open, right? Just so you know, you don’t scare them right out of their skin? So then why is it ok for people to barge right into my “office” and be right beside me when they finally announce themselves? I’ve wet my pants more than I’d like because of that! Kidding… Mostly… Does my office space not warrant the same courtesy as an office with walls and a door? I hope this behaviour doesn’t continue once we get to the new office and people see what it’s like to be scared shitless. Until then, I’m thinking of taping off my “office”, door included and putting up a sign that says, “Please knock before entering"
and here's a picture one of my spies got for the new, albeit (STILL) empty, office space... exciting, no? ok, so it's not exciting but you didn't have to say it out loud!
WHO WROTE THAT?! For minute I thought it was you!!
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