Wednesday, May 7, 2008

american's are boorish, uncultured a-holes

that there is how the following headline should have read...

"Americans can't stand to read about gay penguins"
A children's story about a family of penguins with two fathers once again tops the lost of library books the American public objects to most.

they also don't like books about freeing the slaves and women voting.

"The complaints are that young children will believe that homosexuality is a lifestyle that is acceptable. The people complaining, of course, don't agree with that, " Judith Krug, director of the [American Library] Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom, said in an interview yesterday.

kinda makes me a little sick to my stomach to think of how closed-minded people can be.

i was in the car listening to the radio (canadian radio - those north of the border can be a-holes too) the other day and they were taking about transvestite hookers... recently, soccer star ronaldo was caught with a trio of them at motel in rio. the radio people were obviously very uncomfortable with the subject and barely clinging to their manhood by acting overly outraged and grossed out. there was a point where this question was posed in regards to ronaldo's p.r. team: "how would you handle something like that?" and the response came quick as a whip: "preferably with gloves!" and i just looked at my carmate and exclaimed just how homophobic these idiot were acting. i mean it's a dick! whoop-dee-freaking-do! you probably handle yours all the time without gloves. if this is how men react when faced with the thought of another man's junk, why do they think women should be so over the moon about it?

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