Tuesday, April 22, 2008

trash compactor

april 22 is EARTH DAY!

so to inspire you to clean up your act for at least one day, here are some things you may or may not have known:

~ american swimming pools contain enough water to cover the city of san francisco with a layer of water 7 feet deep.

~ in 1987, americans made enough trash to fill a 24-lane highway 1 foot deep from boston to los angeles...

~ oh yeah... and the official april 22 date for earth day was first used in 1970 and proposed by wisconsin senator gaylord nelson. seriously, why would you ever name your kid that?

~ april 22, 1970 (the first earth day celebrated on a set date) was the 10th birthday of vladimir lenin.

~ equinotical earth day is celebrated on the march equinox... blah, blah, blah... go here to find out why.

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