Tuesday, April 8, 2008

energy diet

on the radio today i happened upon an amusing ad for The Great Refridgerator Roundup sponsered by everykilowattcounts.ca

and in a case of advertising actually working, i went to the site to see what it was all about.
it's pretty cool (pun not intended but it IS giggle-worthy) - they come and pick up your old refridgerator for free! they'll even haul it out of your basement for you if need be!

and there bunches of other interesting things to look at while your there.

i took their Electric Personality Quiz (sorry no link... but you'll find it easily if you go to the main site) and it turns out i'm a "pragmatic conserver" just like 1/3 of most people in ontario. i'm not on a envrio mission but i do care.

check it out.

1 comment:

Eco said...

Sorry for the intrusion, but I came across your post because I was looking for people who were interested in energy conservation.

The environmental Commissioner is collecting good and bad stories about energy conservation for his next report. Check out the site at http://www.ontarioconservation.ca