Tuesday, March 25, 2008

le sigh...

i'm heistant to even bring stuff like this to the table because celebrities shouldn't gain notirity for breaking the law and getting away with it butttttt...

say hello to Celebrity DUI!!!

seriously, i don't know what's wrong with these people... most of them have money! take a lime, hire a taxi, whatever! just don't climb into your car! you've seen all your friends get busted, why would you want to go and do it too? moths to a flame? it gets your name back in the rags? and then you can go on dancing with the stars and EVERYONE can see how well your rehab is going and then maybe, just maybe you can get back into the business... christ, i know you love your car SOOOOOO much and driving it make you look like a superstar but you can get just as much publicity from just falling down drunk (see tara reid) as driving the wrong way down a freeway.

and sweet baby jesus, if us regular folk got caught doing this shit (3rd DUI, drug possession, leaving the scene, etc.) it would literally be the end of our lives but you get to go about your business like nothing happened... AND PEOPLE WILL STILL HIRE YOU! letting you off with a slap on the wrist because all the good you do for the world balances out with that one time you rolled your car with your kids in the back seat? yeah, that sounds about right. oh it's just kids being kids! they don't know any better!

almost completely off topic but doesn't busta rhymes look a little hot in this picture? just a little? just me?

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