Tuesday, February 26, 2008

letter writing - feb. 26 2008

dear stinky,

personal hygiene, it's not just for the cool kids anymore. you might want to give it a try because you smell. every time you come around i literally gag. bathing (with soap!), deoderant, eau de toilette... they are ALL very good things. but i know they're new to you so try not to be afraid.

did you notice when you were at my desk today simultaneously making-up and explaining your project to me how i was surpressing the urge to vomit every few seconds?? how i stopped breathing through my nose? how even though my nose was running like a tap that i still refrained from using my nose? how i literally ran to the bathroom when you were finally finished?

i'm afraid you've gone nose-deaf... you can no longer sense your own smell and therefore have no idea the effects on others. i'm not trying to be mean, i'm merely looking out for the health and well-being of my fellow employees.

nectarines & nose plugs,

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