Tuesday, January 22, 2008

stupid nutter-fuck!

so i was trundling my way to work this morning in the behemoth i'll call the "family vehicle"...

after superficially checking the lane next to me, i go to move into the left hand lane so faster traffic could get around me and i hear frantic honking coming from my blind spot accompanied from the loudest grasping of the armrests i have ever heard coming from my passenger...

turns out, some stupid jackass had been kiting along in my blind spot like an ignorant lemur (don't even ask what i think that means...) and now that i've invaded his personal space, the lemur is pissed.

understandably, if i were forced to partially shift position in my lane by a tank i'd be annoyed... but there's nothing to be terribly upset about. no one got hurt, no one's "compensation device" got scratched... we're all still merrily (but a tad less so) on our way to work. incident over.

wrong-o! cockface then decides to pull in behind me, still honking like a rabid goose, and start high-beaming me. yeah, that's good... be reactive about the situation. it's sure going to help me to not run into your car 5 minutes ago.

AND THEN (yes, there's more) when we get to a red light he goes out of his way to pull into the left turn lane beside me and yells at me through both of our rolled up windows. oh what's that? you have a small penis and your boyfriend would rather fuck a donkey with one ball? i'm sorry, i can't hear you very well... i'm being distracted by this little bird!

buddy, get a life... and possibly some genital enhancement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remind me to tell you about the driver who hovered in my blind spot then tried to change lanes through my echo. Hilarity (and stand off) ensues...

Good to hear you're not dead - I've become rather fond of you and your rants over the years...

You need a missile launcher mounted on the hood of the mazda for such instances.