Friday, January 11, 2008

let's get physical... physical... pyhsical...

this is exactly what we don't need...

"Get fit and in fashion"
We ask several fitness professionals around town to recommend one fashionable item to start your quest to look your best and achieve a fitter, better, healthier body

i didn't even have to read the article... my eye got all twitchy just reading the title...
just what every woman needs - being insecure about what she's wearing when she's going to the gym to work on her other insecurities... so you're not only expected to have the perfect body, you're expected to have to perfect clothes to wear while getting said body.

getting fit isn't about being glamourous... i this probably sound pretty hypicritical coming from someone who just made of will a fool's fortune in lululemon gear but let me assure you, that was for lounging purposes only! i'm not about to get sweat (ick!) all over those expensive butt-lifters! when(if?) i head out to the gym, rest assured, i'm wearing my least attractive sweats and a t-shirt that says something like "i'm working on my 6 pack (of beer!)" or "bite me"

it's the gym for crying out loud! i know clinton & stacey (you KNOW who i'm talking about...) would have you wearing an evening gown or a tux wherever you go but IT'S THE GYM! when you come out, you're not going to be anywhere near as pretty as when you went in... but by all means, do wear your bestest work-out clothes ever! they'll go perfect with the sweat rolling off your elbows and your straggly-ass hair.

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