Wednesday, January 23, 2008

kicking the bucket all the way thru hollywood

"Heath Ledger, 28: 'Brokeback Mountain' star"

wow... i mean, just... wow.
i couldn't believe this story no matter how many times i read/watched it last night... it can't be real, it can't be real...
i guess it's so shocking and unexpected because he hid his problems away from the public eye.
so sad, so tragic...
even my mother was phased... she kept going on and on about how he was "only a couple of years older then you guys" and "he was only 28!"

last week, another of young hollywood also died... brad renfro was only 25!
asswads over at E! News were doing an obit story for him and they had his name as "brad redfro" geezes... the guy is dead and you can't even get his name right? disrespect...

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