Friday, December 21, 2007

good gawd...

when i first saw this picture of (ugh...) rumer willis i thought to myself what is name of lucifer has this twat done with her mess of a head??? bangs? a rounded bob?
thankfully (if we can actually be thankful for anything rumer does beside possible crawl under a rock for the next 40 years...) it turned out only to be her hideous hat that seems to have put down roots all the way into her peanut brain.
i know she's going for the "quirky" angle but those glasses... seriously?
they're probably versace and cost more than my house but that doesn't make them any less hideous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the bigger question should be why is she a news story at all? She has done absolutely nothing other than being a washed up actor's daughter. It's stuff like this that annoys the heck out of me. I don't care what she looks like, dresses like, etc. She's a nothing! Its the same as if I saw some stranger on the road looking like her. Good for a 2 second laugh, not worth the time to take a picture.