Tuesday, December 18, 2007

dumbass... a play in 3 acts

"Accused deja-drunk driver"

this is so effed up i'm not even sure i get it but let's work through it anyway...

cast of characters:
male drunky - MD
female drunky - FD
random other person - ROP
durham region's finest - the fuzz

the fuzz is conducting a check of vehicles at a R.I.D.E. checkpoint...
MD & FD are in a car merrily driving along, MD is at the wheel.
the fuzz pull over the car containing MD & FD... MD blows over the limit and is arrested on the spot. FD wants to take the car home so she gives the fuzz a breath test - she fails. the fuzz says no dice to taking the car home
ROP comes and takes FD home.

3 hours later, FD drives back to the checkpoint by herself to pick up MD...
the fuzz recognize her and get her to take another breath test...
things are not looking good for FD - she fails again! and is promptly arrested.

the fuzz laugh at the misfortunes of the stupid, tell you you shouldn't drink and drive.
long live the designated driver, literally... and all that jazz...

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