Wednesday, December 5, 2007

crazy as a loon...

what's good for canadian businesses isn't so nice for canadian consumers...

after being stung in the past by a loonie worth a mere 60 US cents, the canadian shopper are crying foul while the government seems to be doing everything it possibly can to drag the dollar down. for example, overnight the bank of canada lowered interest rates and the dollar went down along with them...
i can understand where the trade industry is coming from... when the dollar is lower, things from canada are cheaper abroad and exports increase... but that's no fun for a shopper like me! i like getting stuff for cheap! when i have to pay nearly double (or more) for things like books in canada, i'm not a happy person. even just normal apparel is noticeably cheaper in the states! with dollar parity, it's actually a deal! before, even if things were cheaper in the states, you had to think about how much it actually cost in canadian dollars!
poo on you bank of canada, poo on you canadian trade. you're raining on the parades of many a border-hopping christmas shopper!

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