Monday, December 10, 2007

anyone with a weak stomach may want to avoid this...

i think i threw up a little in my mouth when i read the title on this article...
very, very unpleasent.

"Man sues over condom in Whopper"

van miguel hartless, the ill-fated burger buyer, had this to say: "My third bite into the burger, it was just a foreign taste. It was a very sour, bitter sort of taste. It almost had a numbing sensation. As I went to bite down a little harder..."

wait, wait, wait... YOU WENT TO BITE DOWN A LITTLE HARDER??? you tasted something foreign and you continued to eat? oh man, you are just asking for whatever's coming to you!

and so the quote continues, "...I felt a rubber grind between my teeth. i saw it half in my mouth, half hanging out. It was an immediate sick-to-my-stomach type of thing."

gawd... i would have been vomiting for days if that had happened to me, not just feeling sick-to-my-stomach...

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