Friday, November 30, 2007

the little things...

even wonder why the western world has such a fear of the middle east? (well, beside the apparent american vendetta...) the middle east has islamics... and islamics do things like this over simple "misunderstandings".

"Teacher in teddy case gets 15 days"
British woman in Sudan convicted of insulting Islam after students called toy 'Muhammad'

ok, so sudan is in africa, not the middle east but the gist of my point still stands...

this lady let the kids in the class she was teaching choose the name for a teddy bear. the students picked muhammad, a popular/common name among muslim men. there was speculation that a complaint was put to the government by a "school secretary with a grudge"...

after a full-on criminal trial, the teacher was found guilty of "insulting the faith of Muslims: and sentenced to 15 days in jail. due to the efforts of "delicate diplomatic efforts" by britain and a crack human rights lawyer, this teacher only got a comparative slap on the wrist. prosecutors were calling for a more somber charge - inciting religious hatred. the punishment for that is up to 40 lashes, 6 months in prison, and a hefty fine!

good sweet mike... these people take themselves far to seriously! i could understand if muhammad effigies were being burned or places of worship were being destroyed but this is ludicrous! no one would get in an uproar if someone named a teddy bear buddha or jesus, would they?

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