Monday, November 5, 2007

fatty mcfatfat

apparently, getting more sleep reduces your chance of being obese... well, for kids at least...

"Researchers have found that every additional hour per night a Grade 3 student spends sleeping reduces the child's chances of being obese in Grade 6 by 40 per cent."

how this relates to adults? sleep-deprived adults produce more of a hormone called ghrelin (promotes hunger) and less leptin (signals fullness)

9.5 hours is the magic number for grade 3 students... according to this study, any more sleep than that significantly lowers the risk of obesity. someof the kids in the study were getting as much as 12 hours of sleep (including naps) a day!! 12 hours?!? geeze... their parents must really enjoy their alone time to have the kid sleeping that much!

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