Wednesday, November 14, 2007

unhappy hugs

"Dispute over girl's hugging detentions resolved"

say what? a 13-year-old girl was given 2 detentions for hugging her friend goodbye for the weekend... apparently, the school has a policy that bans public displays of affection.

what the hell kind of school does this poor girl go to??? they banned public displays of affection? did they also ban the showing of emotion? can you imagine what these kids must be like? i'm thinking zombies. robot zombies?

at a meeting with the school district, it seems the parents had no problems with the punishment - they told their daughter just to serve the detentions to avoid getting into any more trouble... the parents were satisfied with the promise that the district will look into revising the policy.

this give me the squidgets... makes my skin crawl that the kids can't express themselves. i wouldn't put my kid in a school that had a similar policy. kids are being sheltered far too much these days.

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