Monday, October 22, 2007

pop culture

"Cinemas feeling the pinch on popcorn prices"
Your $5 bucket doesn't cost more yet, but the effect of surging ethanol demand has theaters worried

the whiny, money-grubbing lot in the cinema industry are bawling their eyes out about the price of popping corn... because of the increasing interest in the use of ethanol as an "eco-friendly" fuel source, the price of the corn has sky rocketed from 9 to 13 cents/pound! i know what you're thinking and yes, holy shit that's more freaking inflation than the world has seen in the last 100 years but i can see why corn popping purveyors are all up in arms!! but just hang on one cotton-pickin' second! apparently there's a grand sum of two cents ($0.02) worth of actual corn in that $5 bag butter soaked goodness you're clutching! even claiming of high energy, transportation, and labour costs they can't really expect us movie-going average joes to think they're only making minor profits in this department... they even tell you themsleves: "The concession area is a high-margin business for us," says cineplex vice-president pat marshall. so you amit to your gouging ways! why not make some friends and take a money hit in this department? or at least claim that by keeping prices high, you're helping increase the health of americans by making unhealthy popcorn less readily available!

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