Wednesday, September 5, 2007

close to home

Police arrest 25 during Oshawa prostitution crackdown

Curtis Rush - Staff Reporter, Star P.M.

Police have arrested 25 people following a four-day campaign that targeted street prostitution on Oshawa. The campaign followed a number of complaints from the public, according to police.

In total, 16 prostitution charges were laid, in addition to five drug charges and 24 breach-court orders. Police say one female was arrested and released from police custody and within a few hours, she was arrested again for prostitution.

Investigators found several females who had previously been charged for prostitution having breached their release conditions.

huh... i never knew there were so many girls with low self-esteem in the 'shwa... well, actually, i did... think, just think (!!!) of all the STDs! the air was probably rife with them! i'd have asked for a rebreather if i had been on this bust; rubber gloves all-round! oshawa is a skeevy place. don't go there unless you have to.

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