Wednesday, August 29, 2007

cold case files

"MD's cure killed Beethoven: Report"

180 years later and people still care...
he was a musician, not the missing link!
who gives these people money to do this shit anyway?!? to what end i ask you! to what end?!
and where are they getting these bodily samples to do research on? who gave them bone fragments to play with 2 years ago?
he was sick, he died... let the rumours fly!
you don't see people doing intense research on bits and pieces of elvis or curt cobain... nobody cares to know the truth, they care about the scandalous (often murderous) theories of conspiracy theorists! much, much more interesting than lead poisoning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha.. agreed. The money could have gone to better uses (Immunizing 1 kid against polio in India - 1 USD).
Anyways, I figure there are a ton of people out there with more money than brains...